Sunday, September 1, 2013

{Weight Loss} Beginning Weight & Measurements

Tonight, I finally got around to purchasing a scale! Nothing special- just a standard HealthOmeter from Walmart, $17.97.

The last time that I weighed was at my grandmother's house about a month ago. I weighed in at 330.6 lbs.
I know, that's a lot of weight. And that's when I realized that I needed a change.

I got home, took my shoes off, and weighed.

I've lost 16.6 lbs in a month, and I wasn't even trying to! I am shocked! All I have done differently was cut out fast food! So I'm very excited about this start. 

Here are my measurements and clothing sizes:

17 in. -  Arms
57.5 in. - Waist
61.5 in. - Hips
35.5 in. - Thighs
18 in. - Calves

Shirt Sizes - 4XL or 26/28
Pants Sizes - 26P

My overall goal is to be at 200 lbs. That is the weight I was at before I got married and pregnant. I'm not saying that I'll stay there, because that's still considered overweight for someone my height. 

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