
I started this blog as a way to keep up with my thoughts and feelings throughout my weight loss journey. 
I recently discovered that I have way more to talk about than dieting. I love fashion, makeup, home décor, recipes, DIY projects, etc. I like to share interesting stories and news that I have read, as well as stories and pictures about me and my family. And our biggest thing at the moment is how to turn a house into a home.

I grew up in a little town in Arkansas, and I now live about 20 minutes away in a bigger city. My grandparents and my church home are still in my hometown, so we visit often.

I graduated from Arkansas State University with a technical certificate in practical nursing. While I am not an RN, I hope to be in the future. I believe in furthering education and building your resume.

I am currently working as a nurse at North East Arkansas Treatment Services- an outpatient clinic that treats people with opioid addictions. 

 This, of course, is myself!

This is my husband. We met in a high school art class my sophomore year. We have been crazy about each other ever since! We were married in 2010.

This is our son. He is the light of my life, and my greatest achievement. He was born in November of 2010.

This is our dog. He is most definately a member of the family, and he is very aware of it. He joined our family in May of 2010, at just 6 weeks of age!  

My life is far from perfect. I am not perfect.

My house is never spotless. Every picture of my home is staged. I have to wait until everyone is gone or asleep to even get the house ready for a picture.

I'm just a tired and hard working mother who is trying to keep my kid from eating junk food for dinner.

I'm always behind on laundry, and my kid is constantly running around in his underwear.

I am a makeup junkie. I buy some sort of makeup just about every time I go to the store, and I even order makeup online. But I only wear makeup to work or out to eat with my husband. I promise, when I leave this earth, there will still be makeup from my 20’s that has never been opened. 

I smoke cigarettes and I am in love with McDonalds.

I love the release that I feel when I blog. To me, it isn't about telling everyone how I feel, or that I'm keeping a "diary". It's that I'm putting something out there. Something that I am proud of and something from the heart. Something that my children, and my grandchildren will be able to look back at and get a feeling of who I was. 

I love what I do here, and I hope that you will love it as much as I do! Welcome to our crazy little world!

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