Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have been wanting a tattoo for a long time. Since I was about 14 years old. When I turned 18, I was pregnant, so getting a tattoo was the last thing on my mind. A few years have went by, and I've started having thoughts of one again. But I wasn't sure what to get. I have a few ideas, but I'm nervous about the "permanent" part of the tattoo. What if the artist screws up? What if I hate it? What if I hate the location? Should I get one now or wait until I lose the weight? What will it look like if I gain the weight back? Is laser removal expensive? Would a scar look worse than the tattoo?
See what I mean? I'm nervous. And instead of just doing it, I keep finding reasons not to. I don't want writing, or anything that I'm not going to agree with in the years to come. Like feathers and peace signs are in right now, but, who's to say that they will be in 5 years? How crazy would I look in the nursing home with a bunch of hearts and peace signs on me? I also think it would be silly to get Jerod's name tattooed on me. Not that I think it's bad luck, or even that I don't think we'll be together forever. But I think a wedding ring is a better symbol of love and marriage than a tattoo. I wanted to get something for my son, but then again, I want 6 children. That's 6 tattoos! Yikes!

Here is one idea that I have. It's not definite- just brainstorming at this point.

This is the chemical compound of oxytocin. After doing tons of research on it, I found it to be very interesting. Oxytocin plays various roles in orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors. It also plays a role in milk let down, wound healing, and romantic attachment. Studies show that it increases trust and reduces fear. It is often referred to as the "love hormone." To me it represents femininity and motherhood. (Although it isn’t just found in females. In men, it promotes monogamy and empathy.) This is what makes me get butterflies everytime I look at my husband. This is why my little boy has me wrapped around his tiny finger. This hormone.

I know, I'm just a geeky nurse! And if I was to get this, it would be without the blue lettering. I was thinking that this would make a cute foot tattoo, possibly even a shoulder blade tattoo. Who knows? It's still a work in progress. 

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