My Bucket List

  • go to a drive-in movie
  • pay for a stranger's groceries
  • receive and edible arrangement
  • learn how to tie a tie
  • ride on the back of a motorcycle
  • dye my hair
  • win the lottery or a jackpot
  • go on a cruise
  • spend an entire day watching disney movies
  • finish a bottle of nail polish
  • order dessert first at a restaurant
  • have my own star
  • leave a $100 tip at a restaurant
  • shop on black friday
  • learn how to sew
  • reach my goal weight
  • travel first class
  • grow my own food
  • see the eiffel tower
  • take a tour of the white house
  • see the statue of liberty
  • watch the ball drop in times square
  • have my father walk me down the aisle
  • be given a puppy as a present
  • spend a whole day out on the water
  • host a holiday party
  • take his last name
  • stop eating fast food for at least a month
  • finish a shampoo and conditioner at the same time
  • try eggnog
  • attend a wedding
  • complete a scrapbook
  • order tons of food from room service
  • write a letter to myself and open it in 10 years
  • stay awake for 24 hours straight
  • donate gifts to children in need
  • attach a lock to a love bridge
  • make homemade ice cream 
  • make s'mores around a fire
  • try tiramisu
  • kiss in the snow
  • catch a firefly
  • visit a castle
  • go snorkeling
  • meet johnny depp
  • write a book
  • build a gingerbread house
  • live in a big city
  • write on the before i die wall in new orleans
  • have a son
  • have a daughter
  • write a love letter
  • kiss under fireworks
  • publish a book
  • try dog sledding
  • visit the palace of versailles
  • pee in every ocean
  • have perfect teeth
  • stay in an ice hotel
  • get tickets to the ellen degeneres show
  • cuddle next to a campfire
  • go to a real fashion show
  • have someone make me breakfast in bed
  • go to legoland
  • go to disney world
  • drink wine in italy
  • visit a betsey johnson store
  • learn how to use chopsticks
  • put a piece of gum on the gum wall in seattle
  • cuddle under the stars
  • say "i do"
  • design my own dream home
  • stay at a bed & breakfast
  • visit abbey road and recreate the beatles cover
  • visit all 50 states
  • have my own personal library in my house
  • see stonehenge
  • attend a gay wedding
  • visit the wizarding world of harry potter
  • own a diamond ring
  • own diamond earrings
  • own a pearl necklace
  • solve a rubik's cube
  • have a white christmas
  • go to london
  • live to meet my grandchildren
  • celebrate my 100th birthday
  • paint something on canvas
  • ride in a hot air balloon
  • graduate college
  • go on a carnival date
  • go on a cruise
  • swim with the dolphins
  • go to italy
  • finish a whole tube of chapstick
  • own something chanel
  • own something louis vuitton
  • jump in a pool fully clothed
  • plant a tree
  • have my children grown up with harry potter
  • build a blank fort with someone i love
  • have a walk in closet
  • use a fake name at starbucks
  • sleep under the star
  • fall in love 
  • go on a road trip
  • kiss someone i love on new years
  • kiss someone i love under mistletoe
  • get my nose pierced
  • find a four leaf clover
  • witness a wedding proposal
  • wish on a shooting star
  • donate blood
  • own a pair of ray-bans
  • receive my hogwarts acceptance letter
  • ride in a limo
  • celebrate mardi gras in new orleans
  • be called mommy
  • be called grandma
  • own a macbook
  • read the bible
  • stand under the hollywood sign
  • own a nikon
  • have a birthday party in las vegas
  • have a big family
  • own an ipad
  • give a homeless person a christmas present
  • chop down my own christmas tree
  • get engaged
  • own something from tiffany & co.
  • go on a coffee date
  • take my kids on an amazing vacation
  • try pasta in italy
  • go skinny dipping
  • go to times square
  • shop on rodeo drive
  • learn how to bake
  • visit the titanic in a submarine
  • go on a shopping spree in ikea
  • donate my hair to locks of love
  • spend an entire day watching disney movies
  • get a tattoo
  • be kissed unexpectedly
  • own a pair of cowboy boots
  • make a snow angel
  • receive chocolates on valentine's day
  • run a marathon
  • ride in a taxi
  • see the great pyramids
  • set foot on all seven continents
  • try everything on the starbucks menu once
  • ride a subway in new york 
  • ride an elephant
  • backpack through europe
  • learn to play piano
  • learn to play a woodwind instrument
  • learn to play a brass instrument
  • shoot a gun
  • visit a walk-through aquarium
  • visit the mall of america
  • visit niagara falls
  • visit a chocolate factory
  • see the grand canyon
  • see mount rushmore
  • buy a homeless person a full meal
  • find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop

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