Monday, November 25, 2013

{Weight Loss} Weigh In 11/25/13

I am finally at an even 300 lbs, which makes my total weight loss almost 31 lbs. (: It's not much, but I'm proud of myself. I never thought I would ever see that number again. My goal is still set at 200 lbs.

And time for a rant: I have been struggling since my last post. I've lost motivation. I have slipped up and been drinking diet sodas. I have been so stressed due to the delayed opening of the clinic and Ian's birthday party. Now the holidays are approaching, and while it's supposed to be a  happy and joyous time- the family decided that we were doing the holidays at my house. I'm all for it, but I'm nervous and stressed. I've never cooked for the whole family, nor have I ever had my whole family in my home.

I'm hoping that once the holidays are over, that I can get focused and get back on track.

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