Monday, November 25, 2013

Chistmas Decor 2013

We currently have 4 Christmas trees up. I want more, the husband says no. ):

Here is the first haul of Christmas decor for the year. 

While it may look like a lot, 90% of this is on one tree. 

And even since this picture, I have managed to add more to it. 

This is after our Christmas shopping haul over the weekend. I LOVE the old wrapping paper my grandma gave me. She says that some of it was left over from when my mother was little. 


Ian hates the toilet seat cover. When you lift the lid, it says "HO HO HO!"


Both of these little gems came from Kirklands!

I adore these stockings, but this is the time of year that I wish I had a mantle!

My babysitter, who recently passed away, got this angel for my sister and I the Christmas after our mother passed away. I got it from my grandma to start putting out every year in memory of them both. 

This is the tree in our dining room.



My Aunt Dot, who passed away several years ago made this ceramic tree. I'm so grateful to still have something of hers. Christmas was her favorite holiday!

It's Super Ian!

Last Saturday, we celebrated Ian's 3rd Birthday!

Before I get into the party details, here are a few pictures from his 3 yr photo session!

Kendy Schimmel did an amazing job, as always! And I couldn't be more pleased with the superhero costume idea I came up with! Photo props and gifts all in one! 

Now to the party, I was so rushed that I forgot to take pictures of everything before people started arriving. With that being said, these aren't the best pictures, but you'll get the idea! 

Invisible H2O
Hero Punch
Pop! Corn

Super Sandwhiches
Kapow Fruit Kabobs

Mighty Meatballs

Oreo Bombs
Marvel Pez Dispensers

Jeny's Cakery is the BEST!

That face! Haha! 




He got SO many gifts! We still have some in the closet waiting to be opened!

{Weight Loss} Weigh In 11/25/13

I am finally at an even 300 lbs, which makes my total weight loss almost 31 lbs. (: It's not much, but I'm proud of myself. I never thought I would ever see that number again. My goal is still set at 200 lbs.

And time for a rant: I have been struggling since my last post. I've lost motivation. I have slipped up and been drinking diet sodas. I have been so stressed due to the delayed opening of the clinic and Ian's birthday party. Now the holidays are approaching, and while it's supposed to be a  happy and joyous time- the family decided that we were doing the holidays at my house. I'm all for it, but I'm nervous and stressed. I've never cooked for the whole family, nor have I ever had my whole family in my home.

I'm hoping that once the holidays are over, that I can get focused and get back on track.