I woke up today with no intentions of exercising. I felt bad. Not sickly, but just not motivated to do anything. I went about my day as normal, but I ate a huge supper, and even had a soda. I felt guilty and ashamed. But I realized that I just needed a little motivation. I went out to smoke just a little while ago, and decided to listen to Itunes Radio. Jared Leto has his own station now. Just a big heads up, I LOVE HIM. His music is amazing, soulful, sensual, and inspiring. After listening to a few songs, I came in and exercised. Afterward, I thought to myself, "Did that just happen? What made me change my mind about it?" I don't think it was the music, necessarily, but that the music calmed me and made me think about myself for a bit. I shed all of that guilt and got back to business. After my workout, I decided it was time for a blog post, and after doing a little research, I found an awesome list of motivational tips
HERE! These are a few of my favorites:
- "Eat your dinner on a blue plate and you'll discover that you need less to feel full,” advises color intuitive expert Elizabeth Harper.
- "Wear red during your workout." According to Harper, red energizes your system, boosts your confidence and empowers you to action.
- Drop the "perfect" mentality. Did you slip up? Have a moment of weakness? That’s OK, says Valerie Berkowitz, Director of Nutrition for The Center for Balanced Health. “Use any splurge as motivation to get yourself back on track,” recommends Berkowitz.
- “Write down your goal and sleep with it under your pillow” recommends Feng Shui expert Donna Stellhorn. Literally ‘sleeping on it’ (your goals) will help incorporate that energy into you, and may help you manifest them sooner.
- Donate your "fat" clothes. Instead of holding onto your ‘heavy’ clothes –visualize yourself in your new wardrobe, recommends fat loss boot camp Stephen Cooper.
- Get a theme song. Rocky had a theme song, so why shouldn't you? It sounds corny, but playing it (even singing and dancing along to it) can really boost your spirits when you are feeling uninspired and help you check back in with your motivation.
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