Sunday, September 29, 2013

RIP Martin

I knew it was going to happen. It was only a matter of time. Martin, like Frankie, was a fair fish. They don't live long. But I mean, who can blame them? They spend their life in a pet store, until bought and transferred into individual bags, where they sit in a dark cooler, waiting on someone to "win" them at the carnival. They have to be slung around at the fair, then drove home. They finally have air and clean water, but they are so wore out and scared that they just want to rest. Then eventually, they realize that the small fish bowl and a few flakes of food are all that they'll ever know. I believe at this point, they become depressed and stop thriving. Martin stopped eating a few days ago, and just kinda hung around. After dinner tonight, we noticed that he was floating at the top of the water, lifeless. Ian wasn't here to point it out because he's spending the night with his Boo-Boo (his great grandmother). When he returns tomorrow, I am going to have to let him know about Martin. Not because I want to make him sad, but because he WILL notice. Sometimes I think he pays more attention to the little details than I do, which is crazy, because I would consider myself borderline OCD. On the bright side, meet Ziggy, Ian's new pet betta fish! He's gorgeous!

P.S. Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of a fish that is constantly swimming or hiding behind the plant?  That's why you can see my eye and my arm. I had to turn my forward facing camera on, put it in front of the bowl where Ziggy was hiding, and look through the bowl to get a picture of him. Haha!

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