Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fried Egg Ranch Burgers

First of all, if you have never tried an egg on your burger, you don't know what you're missing. Originally, we got the idea from a restaurant called Godsey's. Jerod loves their burgers, and his favorite one, has a runny egg on it. He still to this day eats his eggs runny, but I can't. I love eggs, and I love eggs on burgers, but please, I want my yolk done. 


  • 1 lb hamburger meat
  • 1/2 packet of Hidden Valley ranch dressing mix
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbs worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbs soy sauce


  • Mix all of the ingredients together.
  • Form patties. A little trick we use to make perfect patties: Form the patty and take your thumb and hollow out a little bowl like dent in the middle. It should kind of look like a donut. This way, when the patty cooks, the middle won't bubble up! 
  • Cook until they are as done as you want them. I only say this because some people really do eat medium rare hamburgers! I've witnessed it!
  • Top with cheese if you want to make it a cheeseburger!
  • Top with a fried egg!
  • Then top with the veggies and condiments of your choosing!

We LOVE these burgers! 


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