Monday, February 17, 2014


One day after work, I went to Target. I wasn't looking for anything in particular at the time, but I stumbled across something amazing!


I has one of those "Why didn't I think of that?!" moments.

A set of children's pajamas with a matching bedtime story book!
They sell for $20 each. 
A little pricey, but such a cute idea. 
These would make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas, or any other occasion.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find their website. :(
The one listed on the tag took me to a domain that is under construction. 

I went back yesterday, and they were on clearance for 70% off! I got the Aliens Love Underpants set, and the How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? set for $6.00 each! 

Such a steal!

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